Risto Kosonen new president of SCANVAC
Professor Kosonen is born 1960. He has a degree of Doctor of Science in HVAC from Helsinki University of Technology (HUT).
Kosonen has a professorship at Aalto university in the area of HVAC technology with focus on indoor climate, high performing building services and as well as energy efficiency in buildings. Before the professorship he worked for over 20 years in industry with business development, research and development of HVAC- systems and services. Prof. Kosonen has gained leadership experience from several research projects with industry, including cooperation with international universities. He is the author of over 300 international publications, 13 books and owns nine European patents (EPO) of indoor climate and energy systems.
Prof. Kosonen is the president of Indoor Climate Association in Finland, vice chairman of The HVAC Association of Finland, SuLVI and board member of FINVAC, IBPSA Nordic and AIVC. He has also received REHVA Professional Award of Technology, SCANVAC Rydberg Gold Medal and Russia Master-builder-engineering award.
Prof. Kosonen is a popular invited lecturer in foreign universities. He is distinguished professor of Nanjing Tech university and visiting professor of Chongqing university and Xian Architectural and Technology university in China.
Prof. Kosonen looks very much forward to steering SCANVAC the coming years.
Each year REHVA hands out a maximum of three Young Scientist Awards. Hicham Johra received the prize during the REHVA General assembly web-meeting 18th May, 2020, and he will officially receive his diploma on 1st September at Danvak Dagen 2020.
The Young Scientist Award is given for outstanding research work on subjects covered by the fields of REHVA competence and is awarded to scientists younger than 35. The research results can be disseminated through a thesis, dissertation, or various shorter publications of similar importance.
Hicham Johra says:
It is a great pleasure and an honor to receive this award from REHVA. Thank you to Professor Per Heiselberg and Danvak for nominating me for this award. I am very happy to see that my scientific work is appreciated by the community of researchers, engineers and practitioners in the fields of building energy, indoor environment and HVAC systems. This award is a very nice achievement and it motivates me, even more, to produce good research and education content, and modestly contribute to building a sustainable future for our society.
My work and this award would not have been possible without all my colleagues at the Department of the Built Environment of Aalborg University. I would like to thank them all for this fantastic work environment and all the interesting projects we are working on. I have always been extremely happy to work at Aalborg University where we invest time and money to develop state-of-the-art laboratories and experimental facilities to produce high-quality research and education for students. Special thanks to Professor Per Heiselberg and Associate Professor Rasmus Lund Jensen.
I started my scientific career at Aalborg University as Research Assistant and Laboratory Engineer working on various experimental investigations of HVAC systems and sustainable building design. In 2018, I completed my Ph.D. about the development of an innovative magnetocaloric heat pump (ENOVHEAT project) and the energy flexibility of buildings (IEA EBC Annex 67 project). I am now a Postdoctoral Researcher working on the building energy flexibility of residential buildings connected to district heating networks (InterHUB project, IBPSA Project 1). Buildings can modulate their energy needs over short periods of time (demand-side management, load shifting, peak shaving), which can help the different energy smart grids to balance the intermittence of renewable energy sources. Understanding the interaction between energy flexible buildings (including the households and building occupants) and district heating networks is a key element to develop the future sustainable energy system of Denmark with 100% renewables.
Thanks again for this REHVA Young Scientist award. It is an honor to be part of this great scientific community.
Hicham Johra
SCANVAC (den skandinaviske sammenslutning af HVAC-fagtekniske foreninger, som på skandinavisk plan arbejder for et bedre byggeri) har udarbejdet en generel anbefaling sammen med en række af skandinaviens førende specialister på HVAC-området til foranstaltninger imod luftbåren transmission af smitsomme sygdomme.
Sammen foreslår de følgende fokusområder:
De foreslåede aktiviteter vil reducere risikoen for luftbåren smittespredning, og de vil også give en generel forbedret folkesundhed i tiden mellem epidemier.
Læs den fulde artikel her: https://www.scanvac.eu/scanvac-petition.html
On April 3, the REHVA COVID-19 guidance has been updated with the following revisions and additions:
Visit our COVID-19 guidance webpage for more information: updated bibliography. We have also set up a FAQ Frequently Asked Questions section and translations of the first guideline in 8 languages.
Feel free to share the information in your network or contribute with updates as indicated in the document.
REHVA thanks the co-authors for their much-appreciated contribution.
Eksperter i REHVA har udarbejdet en guide til, hvordan man skal håndtere bygningers HVAC-systemer for at minimere spredningen af coronavirus inden døre.
Følg med på denne side, som løbende vil blive opdateret efterhånden som ny aktuel viden på området er tilgængelig: https://www.rehva.eu/activities/covid-19-guidance?no_cache=1
Del gerne denne post i dit netværk, så smitte kan undgås!
Vi har sammensat et spændende program for første halvår 2020, for alle der ønsker at opdatere sig på den seneste nye viden inden for HVAC, energi og indeklima.
Hertil kommer en række temamøder, som vores faggrupper er i fuld sving med at udvikle.
Får det fulde overblik her.
Mød op på Kalvebod Brygge den 1. april 2020 til den 15. udgave af Danvak Dagen. Her får du en hel dag med et konferenceprogram, der sætter fokus på de tekniske installationer i byggeriet.
Tilmeld dig inden den 1. februar 2020 og udnyt din early bird rabat på 10% af normalprisen her
Vi er i fuld gang med at tilrettelægge programmet for konferencen, som vi lover vil være spækket med højaktuelle indlæg. Om formiddagen vil der være indlæg og paneldebat i plenum, hvor politiker, investor, producent og ”den nye generation” diskuterer byggeriets klimabelastning, og vi slutter formiddagen af med overrækkelse af P.O. Fangers forskningslegat. Om eftermiddagen kan du sammensætte dit eget program og vælge mellem indlæg i 3 forskellige spor.
Danvak Dagen 2018 – Den med viden vinder!
Kom og få de nye retningslinjer og inspiration til fremtidens byggeri, både hvad angår proces, design og funktionalitet.
På Danvak Dagen 2018 stiller vi bl.a. skarpt på:
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