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The REHVA COVID-19 Task Force will soon publish the 2nd review of the guidelines on how to operate building systems during the pandemic relying on the latest academic evidence available. The new release, expected to be published in July, will focus on how to return to buildings after the lockdown and will provide specific guidance for certain components, buildings/space types and mitigation measures.
Responding to the concerns requesting urgent advice, we release two system specific guidance documents on fan coils operation in case recirculation can’t be avoided and on measures to minimise air-leakages across rotary heat exchangers. Both will be parts of the comprehensive third guidance. Until then, the 2nd guidance document remains the latest general document with valid further advice.
• Safe use of fan coils with recirculation – This specific guidance provides advice on how fan coils and split units should be safely operated in case central air-recirculation cannot be avoided.
• Limiting internal air leakages across the rotary heat exchanger – This specific guidance includes some precautionary measures to reduce internal air leakage in ventilation systems and prevent the transmission of the virus through particles suspended in the air.
Watch out for the specific COVID guidance for schools. We will be releasing soon!
For all the content visit the REHVA COVID-19 guidance page.
Each year REHVA hands out a maximum of three Young Scientist Awards. Hicham Johra received the prize during the REHVA General assembly web-meeting 18th May, 2020, and he will officially receive his diploma on 1st September at Danvak Dagen 2020.
The Young Scientist Award is given for outstanding research work on subjects covered by the fields of REHVA competence and is awarded to scientists younger than 35. The research results can be disseminated through a thesis, dissertation, or various shorter publications of similar importance.
Hicham Johra says:
It is a great pleasure and an honor to receive this award from REHVA. Thank you to Professor Per Heiselberg and Danvak for nominating me for this award. I am very happy to see that my scientific work is appreciated by the community of researchers, engineers and practitioners in the fields of building energy, indoor environment and HVAC systems. This award is a very nice achievement and it motivates me, even more, to produce good research and education content, and modestly contribute to building a sustainable future for our society.
My work and this award would not have been possible without all my colleagues at the Department of the Built Environment of Aalborg University. I would like to thank them all for this fantastic work environment and all the interesting projects we are working on. I have always been extremely happy to work at Aalborg University where we invest time and money to develop state-of-the-art laboratories and experimental facilities to produce high-quality research and education for students. Special thanks to Professor Per Heiselberg and Associate Professor Rasmus Lund Jensen.
I started my scientific career at Aalborg University as Research Assistant and Laboratory Engineer working on various experimental investigations of HVAC systems and sustainable building design. In 2018, I completed my Ph.D. about the development of an innovative magnetocaloric heat pump (ENOVHEAT project) and the energy flexibility of buildings (IEA EBC Annex 67 project). I am now a Postdoctoral Researcher working on the building energy flexibility of residential buildings connected to district heating networks (InterHUB project, IBPSA Project 1). Buildings can modulate their energy needs over short periods of time (demand-side management, load shifting, peak shaving), which can help the different energy smart grids to balance the intermittence of renewable energy sources. Understanding the interaction between energy flexible buildings (including the households and building occupants) and district heating networks is a key element to develop the future sustainable energy system of Denmark with 100% renewables.
Thanks again for this REHVA Young Scientist award. It is an honor to be part of this great scientific community.
Hicham Johra
REHVA Professional Award for Education 2020 uddeles hvert år af den europæiske organisation REHVA (Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Associations) til faglige profiler, som gennem deres virke har bidraget til at udvikle og udbrede viden om bygningsinstallationer, energi, bæredygtighed og indeklima.
”Commissioning er en forholdsvis ny ydelse indenfor byggeriet, som sætter fokus på driften. Én ting er at designe og konstruere en bygning – noget helt andet og ofte langt vigtigere er det at sikre, at bygningen fungerer i drift i årtier frem i tiden. Min mission er, at vi stopper med at se på et byggeri som en engangshændelse og i stedet anlægger et livscyklus-perspektiv. Her spiller commissioning en afgørende rolle, og disciplinen rummer store perspektiver ift. både økonomi og bæredygtighed. Jeg er utrolig glad for den anerkendelse, som prisen er udtryk for,” siger Ole Teisen, der er chefkonsulent i Sweco.
20 års vedholdende arbejde med commissioning
Ole Teisen har i mere end 20 år gået forrest i arbejdet med at udvikle og optimere commissioning-processen i Danmark, Europa og USA og har arbejdet på at implementere commissioning som en fast del af dansk byggeri. Ole Teisen er bl.a. manden bag Dansk Standard DS 3090 og er også medforfatter på flere bøger og artikler om commissioning. Desuden har han været underviser på en lang række kurser i disciplinen – både internationalt og herhjemme.
REHVA Professional Award for Education uddeles hvert år af REHVA, som er et internationalt netværk for over 120.000 professionelle indenfor bygningsinstallationer, energi, bæredygtighed og indeklima fra 27 europæiske lande. Udover at modtage REHVA Professional Award 2020 er Ole Teisen også blevet udnævnt til REHVA Fellow, som gives til personer, der har ydet en ekstraordinær indsats til REHVA’s bestyrelse, komiteer og arbejdsgrupper.
Det er Danvak, som er medlem af REHVA, der har indstillet Ole Teisen til prisen. Indstillingen er givet på baggrund af det omfattende arbejde Ole Teisen har udført for at fremme et bedre byggeri i Danmark og internationalt. Prisen overrækkes på Danvak Dagen, som afholdes 1. september 2020 i København.
For yderligere information:
Morten Laasholdt
Sweco Danmark
+45 3117 7117
BUILD UP webinar om, hvordan man skal drifte bygninger under COVID-19 krisen.
REHVA team cordially invites you to this BUILD UP webinar.
Learn from top REHVA experts about:
For more information visit our website.
To register to the webinar click HERE.
Eksperter i REHVA har udarbejdet en guide til, hvordan man skal håndtere bygningers HVAC-systemer for at minimere spredningen af coronavirus inden døre.
Følg med på denne side, som løbende vil blive opdateret efterhånden som ny aktuel viden på området er tilgængelig:
Del gerne denne post i dit netværk, så smitte kan undgås!
REHVA is organizing a Seminar on “BIM Interoperbility” at Light+Building (Frankfurt, Germany) on Thursday, 12th March 2020 (14.30-17.00).
This Seminar will tackle the importance and necessity of achieving interoperability in BIM, overviewing challenges and presenting existing solutions. It will be followed by a reHVAClub cocktail reception (17.00-18.00) where the attendees, along with REHVA representatives and Supporters, will gather for an informal networking event.
REHVA invites you to join these events at Light+Building, leading fair for building services technology in Europe, offering you free entrance vouchers for the exhibition.
To redeem your free entrance tickets, please contact Giulia Marenghi, REHVA Project Communication Officer, and Nicoll Marucciova, REHVA Knowledge Dissemination Officer.
Feel free to invite your colleagues and share this invitation with your network.
Looking forward to welcoming you at our events in Light+Building,
Anita Derjanecz
Managing Director